Physiotherapy Running Assessments

Now offering Physiotherapy Running Assessments!

Take the guesswork out of your training with a Physiotherapy Running Assessment!

This session includes a full running-specific physical exam to look at how you move and how you run. You will receive an individualized plan to work on strength, flexibility, motor control, and purposeful training practices to become a more consistent, efficient and resilient runner.

Take the personalized approach to achieving your goals and unlocking the best runner in you!

Running assessments offered by Patrick Kong, Registered Physiotherapist.

Patrick is a registered physiotherapist who has been practicing in Ottawa for 10 years. He completed his Masters of Science in Physical Therapy at the University of Alberta in 2011. He has since continued his education through advanced training and certifications including Orthopaedic Manual and Manipulative Physical Therapy and Functional Dry Needling.

As a former competitive and now recreational runner, Patrick has a special interest in helping runners of all ages and skill levels. His scope of treatment includes injury rehabilitation, injury prevention, and improving performance.


BSc. Honours Microbiology, University of Alberta

MSc. Physical Therapy, University of Alberta


Registered Physiotherapist, College of Physiotherapists of Ontario

Kinetacore Functional Dry Needling Level 2

Advanced Orthopaedic Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy Level 3

Certified Professional for The Running Clinic

NCCP Coach for Community Sport

Schedule your running assessment:

Virtual Classes

Stability for Runners & Posture Improvement

We’re excited to be offering two virtual weekly classes this winter to help keep you on track.  Our first week of classes are FREE to attend.  Spaces are limited.

Stability for Runners – with John Zahab 
Tuesdays, January 19 – February 23, 2021 (Jan 12 FREE)
12:00-12:45 pm
$90+HST/6 classes or $20+HST/ single drop in
Replay available for those who can not attend in person

Posture Improvement – Sarah Zahab
Wednesdays, January 20 – February 24, 2021 (Jan 13 FREE)
12:00-12:45 pm
$90+HST/6 classes or $20+HST/ single drop in
No replay available

To reserve your space, please register here. Select coach’s photo and click on the class on the left hand side under services. You can also email us at

We hope to see you soon!

Virtual Classes

Stability for Runners & Posture Improvement

We’re excited to be offering two virtual weekly classes this winter to help keep you on track.  Our first week of classes are FREE to attend.  Spaces are limited.

Stability for Runners – with John Zahab 
Tuesdays, January 19 – February 23, 2021 (Jan 12 FREE)
12:00-12:45 pm
$90+HST/6 classes or $20+HST/ single drop in
Replay available for those who can not attend in person

Posture Improvement – Sarah Zahab
Wednesdays, January 20 – February 24, 2021 (Jan 13 FREE)
12:00-12:45 pm
$90+HST/6 classes or $20+HST/ single drop in
No replay available

To reserve your space, please register here. Select coach’s photo and click on the class on the left hand side under services. You can also email us at

We hope to see you soon!

COVID-19 Guidelines

We are happy to announce that we are gradually re-opening. We are first prioritizing patients with urgent treatment needs, and we will be doing fewer treatments per day than normal. Some of our practitioners will be joining in when their respective certifying bodies allow and they feel set to join. We fully support our team in resuming work when they feel ready.  Please contact us if you’re unable to find your practitioners schedule or book an appointment online.

Please note that your health and the health of our team are of utmost importance to us. We are strictly abiding by the regulations set out by our respective regulatory bodies and adhering to guidelines set out by Ottawa Public Health and the Ontario Ministry of Health.

New changes to our workspace. We will:

 Ÿ Wear surgical masks throughout your appointment and may also wear nitrile gloves if required.

Ÿ Wash our hands (including forearms and elbows) before and after each appointment and use hand sanitizer throughout sessions if required.

Ÿ Thoroughly disinfect tables and equipment after each use with a triple wipe method using Health Canada approved disinfectants (the first spray & wipe is a clean, the second spray is left for 3 minutes to disinfect, and the last wipe is to condition and clean vinyl tables). High touch surfaces such as doorknobs and light switches will be disinfected multiple times daily.

Ÿ Ensure there is ample time between appointments to avoid having clients in our waiting area and to allow for sufficient cleaning and drying time.

Ÿ Open windows and leave doors open for sufficient airflow when possible.

Ÿ Reconfigure our workspace layout to allow for physical distancing.

Ÿ Maintain a register of all visitors (non client/patient) to assist in contact tracing if deemed necessary.

Ÿ Shift our documentation to paperless and avoid sharing paper, pens etc.

Ÿ Waive our cancellation fee if you feel unwell leading up to your appointment. Please cancel your appointment at any time and avoid coming in if you are ill.

Before your appointment, please:

 Ÿ   Complete the online COVID-19 pre-screen questionnaire before your appointment. Your appointment may be rescheduled due to your answers to the questionnaire. You will be screened again upon arriving for your appointment.

Ÿ Bring and wear a reusable or disposable mask. Masks will be required to be worn throughout the entire duration of your appointment. If you don’t have a mask, a cloth mask will be provided to you. You may also purchase a surgical mask for a small fee. Masks are currently mandatory during healthcare appointments as directed by our regulatory colleges.

Ÿ Upon arrival, please wash your hands at the sink or sanitize your hands. Please place your belongings in the provided bin (keys, water bottles etc.). This bin will be disinfected before/after each use.

Ÿ Please arrive as close to your scheduled appointment time as possible and arrive alone if possible.

Ÿ Consider paying by e-transfer. Our terminal will be available behind plexiglass for your protection and our unit will be sanitized after each use.

For more information on what to expect from your massage therapy appointment during the COVID-19 pandemic, please click here.

Virtual appointments are still available with John and Sarah. You can schedule your appointments here..

We have missed you! We look forward to seeing you when you are ready.  As always, we are eager to help you move forward along your health continuum!


Giveaway alert!

We’re very excited to be giving away three prizes during each month of closure to frontline healthcare workers! Three coaching sessions (assessment, program & follow up), one massage and one athletic therapy session will be given away at the end of each month. It’s our small way of saying thank you for all that they are doing to keep our community healthy and safe.

Please send us your nominations! You can send us a DM, email, FB message or good old phone call with your nominee’s name and contact info. We will draw three names at the end of the month and email gift certificates that can be used for when we re-open our doors.

Our first draw was on April 30.  Congratulations to all of our winners!  We had one special donor (thank you, N!) donate an additional prize for April and May that was used as a flex prize (a massage, athletic therapy or coaching session).  We also have another special donor (thank you, J!) donating a package of five personal coaching sessions.  This will be given away at the end of May.

While we do not know when our doors will be open, we are preparing ourselves with systems, strategies and equipment to ensure we are able to open safely.  We await word from public health and from our regulatory colleges with regards to opening dates and safety guidelines.  We are consulting with our team and are going to ensure we have the right systems in place to help keep everyone safe and healthy.  Please stay tuned for our re-opening date and for our safety guidelines.

Running Consultations Now Available!

John is pleased to be offering tele-consulting services for runners! He has over 20 years of strength and conditioning experience and over 30 years as a distance runner. He would be happy to offer guidance by way of virtual coaching (secure and HIPAA compliant) to assist in progressing your health and fitness during this challenging time.

These sessions will provide an opportunity to review and provide feedback on your existing running plan; provide strategies for optimizing your training while optimizing recovery during this period of time; provide guidance on opportunities for improving running economy and more. We’re eager to continue to help you move forward along your health continuum!

To schedule your appointment, book online or for additional info, please contact John at



Temporary Closure

To our valued clients and community,

We care about your health and the health of our entire community. We feel that it is prudent to close our doors at this time to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and follow the suggestions laid out by Ottawa Public Health and our respective colleges and certifying bodies. As of now, we plan to re-open on April 6.

As a small local business, we did not make this decision without careful consultation and consideration. We fully support Ottawa’s public health efforts surrounding COVID-19. Our thoughts are with all who are affected.

We are offering online training and hope that you consider this as a viable option to stay active at home. We are also offering phone consults (30 or 60 minutes) to help guide you with an in home plan. We can work on bridging the gap to provide a maintenance routine. As fitness and health professionals, we can take your unique circumstances and history into consideration and tailor an at home plan that will keep you healthy, fit and mobile. Please let us know if this would be of interest to you. Our goal is to ensure you can maintain your level of fitness and health and avoid injury when returning to your desired activities when it’s safe to do so.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your understanding. We hope you all stay healthy and well.

Sarah and John

Welcome, Madison!

We’re pleased to welcome Madison Brennan to the Continuum team!

Madison is a Registered Massage Therapist and a Registered Kinesiologist with a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education from Queen’s University. Madison has a background in competitive dance and has experience working with athletes in various settings. She has day/evening and weekend availability. You can book an appointment with her here.

Madison Brennan

We’re pleased to welcome John back from his expedition with Ray crossing the Akshayuk pass in Baffin Island. Their 25 hour crossing was difficult but breathtakingly beautiful. Welcome back, John and Ray!

Videos and Podcasts

Continuum’s Sarah Zahab was featured on REALTalk with Sarah.  It was a pleasure to chat about health and fitness and share some of our top exercises.  Scroll to the 8 minute mark to start the video.  Here’s the link.

We were also featured on Living your Life with Lianne Laing.  Lianne’s podcasts are always inspiring and uplifting and we always walk away having learned something new.  Tune in to our podcast here.  You can also listen on Spotify and on Apple and Google podcasts.  Please let us know what you think!

We are always eager to help you move forward along your health continuum.  From treatment of an injury to training for a race (and everything in between!), we’re here to help guide and support you along the way.

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting, people standing and indoor

Welcome Cailey and Shannon!

We are pleased to Welcome Cailey Bryson and Shannon Walsh Moreau to the Continuum family!

Cailey and Shannon, both Certified Athletic Therapists, will be working closely with the coaches to apply assessment and treatment skills along with their knowledge of corrective exercise prescription to quickly and safely help you progress after injury, surgery or other training setbacks.  Both use a wide range of techniques including soft tissue release, joint mobilization, muscle energy work, biomechanics correction and Shannon also utilizes contemporary cupping techniques.

You can book an appointment or an assessment here.  Evening and Saturday appointments are available.

shannon photo1